Monday, 13 August 2012

Start of second week.

Today is the start of my second week of IF.  I'm still feeling full of energy, despite eating far less than I should.  I have been adding soft-bake bars to my breakfast and 4 chocolate chip cookies snack to up my calories.  I'm eating plenty of protein and taking multivitamins.  My fasting period for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday starts at 15:00 to get my body-clock set for my rest-days.  Friday, my fasting starts at midnight which will hopefully set my morning to be 16:00.  That will be the big test for IF to see if it will help swing my body-clock around.  I'm still not as hungry as I thought I would be.  I think I will make a concerted effort to go to the gym on my rest-days, so I may need to tweak my fasting period accordingly.  If what I have read is true, I should really go to the gym before I have my breakfast so it will be a case of cycling to the gym, having a workout and cycling home to have breakfast.  I need to look at what exercise I'm going to do when I get there so that I get the best results.  I feel a visit to youtube coming on...

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