Thursday, 16 August 2012

Had my walk this evening which (according to my pedometer) burned 458 calories and covered 6.5Km (4.03miles).  Just about to go to bed, but sorting out my workout for the morning first.  I think that during work days, I will have to try to fit my walk into my schedule before I go to bed and gym when I awake.  This may not work too well when I'm looking after Ellie during the school summer holidays and Jo has to go to work and may need tweaking a bit.  If I can fit the walk in every day, that will be an extra pound of fat burned every 10 days.  Likewise, if I do a gym session each day, I should burn an extra pound every 10 days.  The more effort I put in, the quicker I should reach my goal.  Right, off to bed now.

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