Saturday, 11 August 2012

206.5lbs this morning.  Had trouble getting to sleep but that could be because my body-clock wasn't set for a 21:30 bed-time.  However, I awoke at 05:15, not feeling too bad at all.  I've just had an omelette and toast for breakfast and totalled up the food I'm expecting to eat today before my fast at 13:30 and currently I fall way short of a healthy amount, so I will need to try to eat an extra 300-400 calories before my fast.  Although this is easily achieved with just one bar of chocolate, I think a dose of carbs would be more beneficial.  I may just take some cookies to work with me to balance the protein that I will be eating.  It's now 05:55 and I feel really good.  I'm alert and satiated after my breakfast and ready to take on the world. I may do another post when I get in from work.

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