I'm now getting more into my photography and I'm looking to do more portraits for people that want them done. I've pretty much got the hang of low-key (dark backgrounds) whilst the high-key (white backgrounds) are still a bit tricky. Currently, I don't have a flash-meter which makes the high-key stuff more trial and error. So, I'm offering my services to friends and their friends and really just looking to cover costs and if people wish to donate to my photographic equipment, I will be more than grateful. I'm going to add a page of my wish-list of equipment I'm looking to get.
Here are a couple of examples of portraits I have done. Both done with just a single key-light with light coming in from a side window providing a small amount of fill light. The basket was a basket used by Ellie to hold her bears and the gold sheen material was kindly donated by our friend Heather. I have been looking for satin material but so far, I have yet to find any satins in our area. It I have found that any professional looking image has had some level of post processing done to it.may well be that I need to look at Ebay to get some satins.
I have found that almost every professional looking image has had some level of post-processing done to it. I've now started shooting in RAW mode which allows far greater control over the post processing much like the old dark-room techniques. Whilst it does not correct serious mistakes in the taking of the photos, it is far more forgiving to minor errors in exposure.
I've included some of my early photos of Ellie. These were done with no post-processing and no studio lighting.
So, if you are interested in having any photography done, post a comment introducing yourself. I'm limiting myself to people who know me because I can't be travelling too far and all donations are welcome.
Nearly 7 years ago, we did our own announcement cards which, at the time, got a lot of interest because they were so much nicer than the simple hand-written ones that the hospital were selling.
Now, I'm able to produce far superior announcement cards which really do have that personal touch. Yes, that is my daughter's hand grasping the tip of my wife's finger. The prices for these are now 20p per 6x4. They've pretty much doubled in price from 7 years ago but still not bad in comparison to alternatives available.
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