Saturday, 11 August 2012

Day 6

It's 18:22, so I have about three hours until I have to go to bed.  I've done some house-work and have got some chicken cooking in the oven for snacks over the rest of the week.  I will portion this into 100g portions so that I know what I'm eating.  I've bought some more eggs because omelette for breakfast was great.  I have some frozen peppers in the freezer so I might defrost some for tomorrows breakfast.

I can't get over just how well I feel.  I feel so much more alert and whilst I have mild hunger in the back of my mind, it is not as consuming as I was expecting it to be.  Before I started IF, I would have laughed at anyone who suggested I go 3 hours without food let alone 16.  Tomorrow will be one week on IF and so far I have seen an improvement to my body-clock and a reduction in my weight.  I'm not sure how much of the feel-good factor is psychological and how much is physiological but so far I am very impressed.

Because of my shift patterns, I am struggling to get a healthy amount of calories. keeps reminding me that I should be eating more.  With this in mind, I will try to get a larger breakfast and will take some cereal bars with me to work.  I need to keep above 1000 calories ideally.

Well, I need to go and sort out my chicken.  Will be back in the morning.

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