Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Daily intermitant fasting?

I've just got in from work and whilst it was not my original plan to fast each day, I might see how far I can do it.  It is simply a case of fasting for the eight hours before bed and of course, I won't be eating whilst I'm asleep.  The theory is that this will reduce my overall calorific intake and if it sorts out my body-clock at the same time, well, that can't be a bad thing.  I'm resisting the urge to eat the chocolate chip cookies in the kitchen that keep calling me and I'm also resisting the urge to read my emails too. I can sort both of them out in the morning.  There is not a whole lot more to add other than I am quite tired now which would indicate that maybe yesterday's fasting has set my morning to 10am.  I can see the fasting being problematic when we want to eat out with friends but it doesn't have to be a hard and fast rule (no pun intended).  We will see over the next month how impactive it is to my life-style and see how that weighs up to the impact on my weight and bodyclock.  There are mixed views on the internet with some saying that it is unhealthy to do long-term and others saying that it is a way of life for them.  Preliminary results from studies show good health benefits but that may be more to do with reduced bodyweight than the actual act of fasting itself.  If I fast tomorrow (technically today, wednesday) it will leave me with a quite narrow window for food consumption on Thursday and an even narrower window on Friday as I prepare my body-clock for early shifts on Saturday.

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