Sunday, 5 August 2012

Oh Ye Gods, Has it really been that long?

Luckily, I don't think anyone actually reads this apart from me.  So, November last year, work changed my shift patterns and it has royally screwed my body clock.  The other day, I read an article that shows that you can reset your body clock by fasting so I thought, what the heck, I'll give it a go.  The other benefits of intermittent fasting include things like reduced chances of diabetes so that can only be a good thing.  Some have argued that there are health risks involved so I thought it would be prudent to keep a record of how I get on.  I will weigh myself in the morning and see if fasting does have an impact on my weight.  I know that I am about 2 and a half stone overweight.  I will see how I feel overall.  I have had a cough for just over two weeks now which is very unusual for me as I don't feel unwell and unlike other coughs I have had, it does not get worse at night, just comes out of the blue.  I am feeling short of breath but this would be expected if I have a chest infection of similar.  I shall do another update tomorrow morning with my current weight and I will have to see if I can update via text.

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